June 2021

Visit a Local Waterpark Let me tell you about it. Water parks, both indoor and outdoor, are popular destinations in Minnesota. In these record high temperatures, the demand is great for water fun. Here are a few of the best places to visit. · Soak City, Valleyfair, Shakopee · Arrowwood...

City of Princeton, Minnesota. Princeton Minnesota Princeton Minnesota is in Sherburne County in Minnesota. It is just outside of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area that has 3.52 million residents. It is located Northwest of Minneapolis. Princeton has a beautiful and bustling downtown. Has parks, trails, and the Rum River. Is...

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Real Estate Market June 4th Weekly Market Activity This is the real estate market June 4th, 2021, Minnesota real estate weekly update. We are now in middle of our busy Minnesota real estate season. As our coronavirus concerns reduce our real estate market just continues to increase. Even...

Lake cabin rental market in Minnesota We are the state of over 10,000 lakes and have more land on water than the entire west coast. So, it is no surprise that so many in Minnesota spend a portion of their summer on a lake. These wonderful...

Try social dancing at Cinema Ballroom Let me tell you about it. Cinema Ballroom is located 1560 St. Clair Ave. in Saint Paul. It is just off Snelling Ave (East). Cinema Ballroom was built with the goal of creating a fantastic dance community in the Twin Cities. Cinema Ballroom's...

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City of Hastings Minnesota Hastings Minnesota is in Dakota and Washington Counties in Minnesota. It is part of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area that has 3.52 million residents. It is located south of Saint Paul. Hastings lies along the Mississippi River and St. Croix River. It was...