Review of AMA Sushi in Edina

AMA Sushi Edina

Review of AMA Sushi in Edina

Review of AMA Sushi in Edina


AMA Sushi is in Edina on 50th and France. The address is 5033 France Ave S. Open daily from about 11am to 9pm every day. They do not have a website, just a Facebook and Instagram page. In addition, they do not take reservations…those two factors reduce my review by half a star.

The interior is basic and has no real decorating theme. This reduced my review by another half a star.


AMA Sushi interior

Now let us talk about the food and service. The service was attentive, friendly, and wonderful. The food is generous in portions, was fresh, and delicious.

Here is their menu menu…

Here is what we had to eat…


  • Fried Calamari – very tasty and not chewy. Generous portion and priced at only $6.75.

AMA Sushi

  • Sushi Deluxe – comes with nine pieces of assorted sushi and a tuna roll. The sushi was a wonderful variety of Whitefish, Tuna, Shrimp, and Salmon. The meat portion on the sushi was so large I had to eat it with my fingers because chopsticks could not easily manage the weight. Under $20!

AMA Sushi

I had their house cold and dry sake and it was particularly good and a value.

The bathroom was clean.

I give it 4.0 stars **** out of five. If a lack of reservations, no real décor and no website are ok then this is a five-star restaurant review for you based on service and food quality.

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Jeff Anderson

The Anderson Team



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