Review of Wakame Sushi & Asian Bistro in Minneapolis

Wakame Sushi & Asian Bistro

Review of Wakame Sushi & Asian Bistro in Minneapolis


Review of Wakame Sushi & Asian Bistro



Wakame Sushi & Asian Bistro restaurant is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Their website is It is located at 3070 Excelsior Blvd Minneapolis, Minnesota. They are open for lunch and dinner. Their number is 612-886-2484. It has a 4.5 rating on google reviews and 4 on google reviews. Reservations are only available by calling in.


Wakame Minneapolis


You can dine in, take out or have delivery.

The interior is very nice with an open kitchen and a smaller than needed bar. Lots of booths that are comfortable and attractive. Sits on a corner lot with lots of traffic exposure.

The link to their dinner menu is

Here is we enjoyed…

  • Edamame – tasted good but not warm and sent it back and came back not hot enjoy either…I would not order that again because of that.
  • Hamachi Kama – grilled yellowtail collar. This was excellent.
  • Soft shell crab – excellent taste, but a little skimpy in portion.Wakame Minnesotainneapolis
  • Numerous pieces of sushi – excellent but a little pricey.
  • Whole Red Snapper – this was fantastic…whole Red Snapper that is deep fried and topped with Thai sweet sauce.


Wakame Minneapolis

The prices are expensive but on average reasonable for the quality.

We had good service and I recommend making a reservation since there is little or no waiting area and bar is too small to wait at.

I give it four stars **** out of five. The food is wonderful, the interior is open and attractive, the restaurant is easy to see from the street, parking can be difficult to find a spot close, service is friendly, they have a functional website, prices are expensive but mostly fair, had a couple of issues with two dishes and would not order them again, and bathrooms are clean.

I hope you found my blog review of “Wakame Sushi & Asian Bistro restaurant in Minneapolis” helpful. Look for more blogs on all aspects of Minnesota, real estate, and the world around us.

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Jeff Anderson

The Anderson Team




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