February 2020

Lake Elmo Minnesota Livability   The History of Lake Elmo Lake Elmo is a city in Washington County, Minnesota. Lake Elmo is part of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Much of the city is still farmland. I do see a substantial increase in housing and new construction in...

El Azteca in Apple Valley We visited the El Azteca in Apple Valley, Minnesota. And this is my review. You can find El Azteca at https://www.elaztecamexican.com/ . At 6670 150th St. West, Apple Valley. It has a 4.3 Goggle rating with 780 reviews  https://www.google.com/search?q=el+azteca+in+apple+valley&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS787US787&oq=El+Azteca+in+Apple+Valley&aqs=chrome.0.0l8.1332j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x87f63134d02d0229:0x8b08673cc8f22c4d,1,,, My impressions The location is off county road 42 and east of...

Why you should consider rental property What are the benefits of a rental property Will Rogers once said, “Real estate is a great investment because they an’t making it anymore.” This message rings true today. During a time of historically low interest rates and escalating rental prices…rental properties...

Minnesota Children's Museum - fun thing to do    The Minnesota Children’s Museum is in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Specifically, downtown Saint Paul. https://mcm.org/. What is The Minnesota Children’s Museum? Is a non-profit 501C3 community organization. Started operating in 1981. The museum mission statement is “providing children with a fun, hands-on...

City of Woodbury Minnesota  Let me tell you about the city of Woodbury, Minnesota.   The History of Woodbury Woodbury is a city in Washington County, Minnesota. Woodbury is part of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. It is the 9th most populous cities in Minnesota. It was originally named “Red...

Volstead House Restaurant Review in Eagan We visited the Volstead House in Eagan, Minnesota. And this is my review. You can find Volstead House I Whiskey Bar & Speakeasy at https://www.volsteadhouse.com/ at 1278 Lone Oak Road. You need to go into Burgers and Bottles in order to get there. It has a 4.4 Goggle...

 ABOUTRENT TO OWN PROGRAM Pick a home then rent to own! Here is how it works… You can lease a home in the area you want. You apply online to enter the program. Must have a minimum of 580 credit score and ability to make the payments. You simply shop...